Chris Paul | |
A fictional map of the night sky above N7. This in necessary because you cannot see the night sky in N7, I felt obliged to create a fictional one: | |
is condensed light |
night sky drapes like stars dwindle the moon’s foregon e c onclusion3 with autistic pinpricks4 what about all this metaphysical furniture he blurts conv inced he is onto somet 5 hing this scores unreadable stut ter thoughts half fo rmed foetal pillows rasps shrill remedi es peels eyes off the mirror Turin6 impre ssion and the stubble7 leaves imprints picking out a rhythm a8t last that is s ta catto at first t h e n m elancholy becomes te dious like t h is inaudible sky dwindles conclusion somewhat metaphysical but convince d of hi s t hough ts pillows the songs peels mi rroring the pic king at at against drapes with all about he scor es half som ething eyeing him like the Turin sh ro uds stubb le out at last beco mes firstly a ted ious sky whe re the s tars’ moons are autis tic fu rnit ure an d an unrea dable form shrill like th e impressions of leaves9 that is the night’s stars are foregone pinpricks he bl urts something stutters foetal remedies nicoti ne in the imprints the rhythm s tacatto melancholy like this conclusion10 |