Non-Stop Transcribe # 15 (3rd play)

soot hot rescue strange pages these are to be placed horizontal black canvas very fierce blocking the hot sun circulate very difficult shining blues in bed scars later dumped punctured tomorrow mouth leaving place of touch observe sentimental scenes provoked uneasiness your face soothes humour the house turned back on circles of five increasing lips opposite ignorant fraught procedures penguin arrives nevertheless into the original sockets with faintest music red robins another baby off and ran hammers levers transform glossy company mechanical figures fully licensed new document intimately positioned breathing ankles magnetic carelessness would be creasing up underneath smiles altering of parameters once made books vast monocles lie disturbed renewed interest edge incentives along the walkway billboards rhyme our gaze distress resort turned my giggles a town of a house bullet out of sync frequent plastics frame the muscles chairs capable of my arm movements constructing voices amongst the heroic temporal series fall out of phase the most important skirts suggest mirrored channels hitch skin explosive buoyancy

7 - 8 February 2004