Non-Stop Transcribe # 13

Visit coloured moss warm feet of pianos in reality descriptive loose spring loaded occasions technology cutting live voices upon action studying pattern relations finding forgotten messages blue eyes beamed into cropped emotion integral designs parry ocean crust acryilic convalescence climbed on faster milky cows echo messages claw waiting flick magical high voices affirmation of rest stopped moments not transformed one direction fully mouth face mark dead resonance remains resemblance scrape hair ache door shivering speak the words into the flow crave patterns slippery ice cold enthusiasms symmetry the whole comes further to your heroes prepared to give up their friends our jaws these public pictures in round edges laying listening roads express mountains present harmony concerns more efficient flaking horses place symmetrically the wheel gripped them towards the momentary exit suggestively endless brings ash in the third boat sometime explorers over method settees suddenly the dead fishes only moons realised cages handle peeped through succulence a shovel hovered rent demands the large underground triangle clustered buckled skin active health reports clean to his body in the castle could it be definitions preparations no clean slate apprears playing with twirling knobs instantly various sticky heads breaking incensed deviance an opportunity forwarded sounds this afternoon passers by at the stone masonary dodging implications themselves