Non-Stop Transcribe # 15

more soot sun rescue headlines strange pages these are to be placed horizontal trapdoors black canvas fierce blocking the hot sun circulate pink very difficult shining blues in bed nail scars tea later dumped tomorrow mouth leaving touch sentimental scenes my shirt replacement provoked uneasiness your face humour the house turned back on held circles held circles around my lips increasing wealth opposite fraught procedures dolphin or penguin arrived into the original sockets with speed music hanging robins red another baby thrush ran hammers transform eighty ghosts glossy in company fully licensed vanish in red a new document making associations breathing ankles curled magnetic carelessness underneath smiles once made for public touch books dropped monocles renewed interest on this fissile walkway billboards read in rhyme decoration our gaze distress turned giggles gripped a town or a house from the cells out of plastics frame the range chairs capable of my arm closely constructing high voices amongst the next heroic temporal series the most important polystyrene skirts suggest space complimentary channels hitch your skin buoyancy snapped